Kappa Omicron chapter of Alpha Phi Omega fraternity meeting of January 6, 1954 was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by the President, Dave Houston.  The secretary’s report was read and accepted.  The role was taken in 12 members of six pledges present at the meeting.the project chairman battle list of those who would be willing to work the lost and found that the basketball games before the end of the semester.

Don Hansen told us he had bought some stationary for the fraternity.  Dave also sent a letter to the national office about changes in address and also a letter to the dean, making sure that we were the only ones to take care of the bulletin board.

Paul Killam had completed the history it was suggested that a copy be sent to all alumni and also to the national office.

It was voted to have a magazine drive after the meeting on January 20.  The magazines would be given to the Northampton State Hospital.

The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Robert Mitchell

Next available meeting minutes